
RESENHA: Blasfemador - Cosmofobia (2021) | Metal Garage

RESENHA: Impaled Nazarene - Eight Headed Serpent (2021) | Metal Garage

RESENHA: Carnal Savagery - Fiendish (2021) | Metal Garage

RESENHA: Mystic Ethan - Misanthropic Symphony of Chaos (2021) | Metal Garage

RESENHA: 7 Peles - O Segundo Evangelho do 7 Peles (2020) | Metal Garage

RESENHA: Memoriam - To The End (2021) | Metal Garage

RESENHA: BATUSHKA - Царю Небесный / Carju Niebiesnyj - EP (2021) | Metal Garage

RESENHA: Seth - La Morsure Du Christ (2021) | Metal Garage

RESENHA: Macacos da Manchúria - Toras - EP (2021)

RESENHA: Betrayal - Disorder Remains (2021) | Metal Garage

RESENHA: Misanthropy Apotheosis - Against Your Filthy Kind - EP (2020) | Metal Garage

RESENHA: Maculator - Witchcraft (2020) | Metal Garage

RESENHA: Kanonenfieber - Menschenmühle (2021) | Metal Garage

RESENHA: Trollfjell - Tales from the North (2020) | Metal Garage

RESENHA: Oligarquia - Monopoly of Violence (2020)

RESENHA: Càirdeas Fala - Sons of the North (2021) - Metal Garage

RESENHA: Héia - Magnum Opus (2021) - Metal Garage

OBCASUS: Confira a resenha sobre o primeiro álbum da horda finlandesa de Black Metal

Resenha: Accept - Too Mean To Die (2021)

Resenha: Hulder - Godslastering: Hymns of a Forlorn Peasantry (2021)

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